Patek style tenor banjo
Fingerpicking and frailing in DGdg tuning
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First there are 5-string banjo players who reliably fingerpick the Irish traditional tunes. Second, there are even some tenor banjo players who fingerpick the Irish tunes on their instruments (tuned to GDae) - search Gordon Johnston or Paul Roberts on YouTube.
Irish traditional music
Updated 29. Oct 2011
While in case of bluegrass, Travis picking or clawhammer I have entered the areas where tenor banjo was not present, here I dare to disturb the area which is successfully served by flatpicked tenor banjo. However I am encouraged by the existence of two groups of banjo players:First there are 5-string banjo players who reliably fingerpick the Irish traditional tunes. Second, there are even some tenor banjo players who fingerpick the Irish tunes on their instruments (tuned to GDae) - search Gordon Johnston or Paul Roberts on YouTube.